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Kaleb Matthews
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.I. - Main

.II. - Statistics

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.IV. - Images

.V. - Questbook

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1. No netspeak. Any use of anything aside from a recognized universal language within a post will result in me immediately leaving. If you can't form a sentence, go elsewhere.

2. No god-modding. I welcome a good fight, but if your character cannot recieve a hit, don't waste my time.

3. No, I don't want to fuck. If it comes up within a well played out roleplay, fine, but I guarantee that you will be put on instant ignore if it's the first thing you bother to ask.

4. No whisper RP's please.. if the rest of the world can't see whats going on, it isn't happening. Period. Unless your behind closed doors. In which case, whats the point of whispering?

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