My Furre - Free Web Hosting

Welcome is meant to be a 'truly' free alternative for furre's to post character to profile pages and other such fun without having to contribute to the success of trash like

Right now, is operated entirely by hand, we'd gladly accept volunteers that could help automate the process some.

The site is not restricted to furre content and the like, it's open to anyone that would use it, but, the domain name and general idea of the site is in support of the furre community.

Submission Guidelines

We accept full websites for hosting as well as pieces of content meant for others to re-use. There really are no restrictions on websites. However, when it comes to content for re-use, we require that content to be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 US license. As part of the specifics for content hosted for re-use on, we require that the attribution only be in the form of text stating the original author and urls referencing's specific licensing, the creative commons, and if provided, the original author's personal URL. Comments in the HTML or CSS do satisfy this requirement. However, please don't take this as grounds for hiding it in the deepest darkest recesses.

The websites themselves, as stated, have no real requirements. Basic rule of thumb is we'll treat you as you treat us. Putting us at risk by displaying questionably legal content, pornographic content, or material of questionable copyright is not treating us well. (Ab)using our hosting for your own commericial gain or profit is also not treating us well. Displaying ads using our free hosting, is also not treating us well. This said, people that contribute to in the form of content for others to use or in donations to support will be seen in higher light.

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Want to host your page at myfurre?

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