Candie Steele

Quietly, she waits...


1. I am not a grammar nazi, though I do appreciate if you give a good effort at spelling properly and typing correct sentences. I won't nag if you don't, but I'll appreciate the role play more if I don't have to decipher what you are saying. Net speak is not acceptable, however, and I won't even give a warning to those who use it - I'll simply leave.

2. Candie is no longer a prostitute. Stop treating her like she is, please.

3. Roleplay involves more than sex. If you can't develop a storyline, please don't waste my time.

4. I prefer paragraph role play - I don't expect full page posts, but more than a sentence is appreciated.

5. I don't mind alting, but if you can't keep up, choose one or the other - I have a real life, and cannot waste 10 hours on one instance. If I have to wait for 30 minutes between each post, I will find something else to do.

6. I have a real life, as do you. If something comes up and I have to leave, deal with it. I will at least let you know and we can possibly arrange another time to meet. Same goes if the situation is reversed. I don't mind if you have to leave for real life reasons, but please let me know, and when I might expect to see you again.

7. If I turn down your request to role play, please don't take it personally! If I'm not in a good mood I'm not even going to attempt it, because I know it won't work. Trust me, either you will get pissed off at me, or I'll get pissed off at you. So, why am I on Furcadia if I don't want to role play? Because I do have friends on there that I enjoy chatting with.

8. Whispers are OOC, with hardly any exceptions. I'm sorry, but in reality you can't stand in a crowded room and do something significant without othesr noticing... if you want to roleplay, post for all to see. Obviously, if you character whispers something to mine - that can stay private.

9. Candie is a NC (No Consent) character. However, I really do like this character, so, lets not use that as an excuse to kill her, please. Along those lines, NC does not give you the right to be a power player. Power players will be ignored, no exceptions.