Statistics - Slave Papers

Last updated: May 22, 2008

Name: Nicole Howard

Nickname: Ni, Nicky

Name as reads on identification: Nicole Howard

Age: 19

Looks: 17

Gender: Female - obvious

Species: Human/Feline - Neko.

Body type: Short and lithe

Physical markings: Three scars on her back, all parallel and running from left shoulder blade to hip.

Physical drawbacks: Physically weak

Current inflictions: None

Appealing attributes and attraction: She's very quiet and quite shy, however very polite and well-mannered.

Attraction towards others: She considers herself straight... but, she's a slave. She doesn't always get to make the decisions.

Dress: Purple button down blouse with full length sleeves, and a full length black skirt.

Items: None

Presentation: Quiet and shy, acts like a child most of the time.

Language spoken? English only

Can they read? Very little

Can they write? Again, very little

Feral or Cultured? Cultured

Anthro or non anthro? Anthro

Can your character produce magic? No

Talents/uses/knowledge: She has basic medic skills, such as tending to minor wounds, fevers, etc. but has had no formal training.

Training: She has never had any formal training. Most of what she does know has been taught from other slaves she has worked with.

Previous masters or owners? She's been tossed around multiple times (some npc, some actual players - RP to find out more)

Previous jobs/usage? She's been used as both a house slave and a pleasure slave.

Attitude towards having master/owners? She is a very shy girl, but has come to accept life as a slave. She craves attention and would rather be owned than sit in the pens alone. She does worry about being bought by a harsh slaver, though.

Overall attitude of the character? Extremely submissive

Maintenance? She isn't demanding of attention, but she does love it and thrive off of it.

Availability? Unowned - Available
