
On August 13, 18 years ago, a baby girl was born into a family, a family who's lives relied heavily on the slaves that worked for them. These slavers hardly knew how to look after themselves without help, let alone their new child. It was for this reason that baby Brooke was raised primarily by furres of whom she had no blood relation with.

Brooke frequently dreams of playing with a boy during her childhood, and though she always wakes up feeling as if the things she saw were more than just dream images, she always shakes it off and tells herself not to be silly... she'd know if she had a brother. However, she doesn't remember that, when she was eight, her brother suddenly left, kissing her one evening, and promising to return for her sometime. He had just turned sixteen and found out that his parents were in the process of making a deal - a deal to sell him into the slaving world. He fled before he had tha chance.

Though her parents did not expect it from her, she often helped with the daily chores, feeling that it was her way of paying back the creatures who had raised her and taught her most of what she knew. She was not looked at as a slave by her parents, but they did think less of her for helping those of such a low stature.

When she was eleven, Brooke's mother passed away. Having never developed a close relationship with her, the girl was mostly unphased by the death. It did, however, make her begin to realize how precious life was, and at this point in her life she began to grow closer to her father and farther away from the slaves.

By the time she was a teenager, Brooke's view on slaves had changed dramatically and she saw them in the same light as her father. They were there to serve her and for no reason should she stoop to their level. Little did she know that she would soon find herself living at exactly that level.

Brook followed in her brother's footsteps when she turned sixteen, after hearing her father talking to a man. She heard the words, "she will be delivered in the evening". Without looking back, she had fled, knowing that those words were spoken about her.

In early December or her eighteenth year, Brooke's life was changed dramatically when she followed a stranger to his chambers. From that night forward she would no longer live her life as a free person, but once again would live to serve those around her, specifically, Zyu.

Zyu soon left Brooke, with no explanation, no clue's to his whereabouts. While she hung on to the idea that he would be back, she soon came to realize that he was not coming back for her. When the familiar face of Isaak Hargreaves was spotted again, Brooke was unable to flee, drawn to him, like a fool perhaps. Even as the collar was clamped around her neck and she was instructed to follow on all fours, Brooke knew she would not be running.