Recent Events:

07.20.08: By now it is completely obvious that the young girl is with child. Both brothers know, and she's sure it belongs to Isaak.. call it motherly instinct kicking in. While in truth it does belong to her master, there is no certainty, even if she is confident. Unless she gets a test, neither will know for sure until the birth. Over four months along now.. she's half way there. Drama has ensued recently, high tempers and emotions. Damien didn't have Zak's permission and has been ordered to keep away from her, but no hard feelings lingure amongst any of them, it seems. Or do they?


04.20.08: Young girl is almost certain now, that she is pregnant. The thought horrifies her. Who could be the father? Both brothers slept with her in such a short amount of time.. it could be either one of them! But what would happen to her if the child was in fact Damien's... her master's brother? Scared, and alone (with Zak on business) she is keeping quiet. She won't tell a soul until she knows for sure.

04.01.08: With Isaak away on business, Brooke was left on her own. Trusted brother, Damien, decided to take things into his own hands. The girl was called upon. Her services were needed. Of course, being brothers.. everything was shared between them, right? Brooke had no reason to believe otherwise when she was reassured that Zak had given his permission to younger brother. A strip show, drugs, and lust.. Brooke has now slept with both of the hybrid brothers!

03.24.08: Sweet girl could melt even the hardest hearts it would seem. Her relationship with Zak had been softened... one could even consider them friends! Gothic neko master had gone easy on her, his temper calming while near her. Not only that, but he'd also started to trust her enough to actually have a fling.. something he'd been curious about. What was it like to sleep with a girl? He'd soon find out. Charming Zak slept with his slave girl, if only to satiate a growing wonder.

02.24.08: Brooke had all but given up on Zyu, hoping he'd be back, though knowing he wouldn't. The girl truly hoped he'd not just abandoned her, but it seemed the most likely explanation for his disappearance. But as luck would have it, the young female would run into Isaak.. the man who'd very quickly put her into her place only a month earlier, for staring! Seems the guy was looking for a slave of his own, and who better than Brooke?

12.09.07: Brooke started the day like any other day, a teenage girl with nothing better to do than wander around her recent home of the Tether. The day was uneventful until, late in the evening, she ventured into the garden to walk through the fresh snow. Eyes rested upon a stranger and soon enough she would find herself sitting next to the man, conversing. When the man left, Brooke let her curiousity lead her as she followed him to his chambers, where her evening took an unexpected turn. She found herself to be the victim of a sadist, her back carved, hips pierced, and a collar fastened around her neck. What would the coming days bring?